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P&C Term 3 Meeting Minutes - 29th August 2024

  1. Welcome: Christina Franze

    1. Acknowledgment to country

  2. Attendance & Apologies: Christina Franze

    1. Parvin Walia - apology

  3. Principal’s report: Kyle Scott

    1. General Update

      1. Staffing changes: Cassandra Morrison resigned through retirement. Jane Secrett has been appointed as the new Deputy Principal. There is now a vacancy for Head Teacher in English.

      2. Co-education offering. Government Directive: All students 7-10 must have access to co-ed school by 2025. Northern Beaches high schools co-education community consultation started 8th August. 4 options on the table. 

      Proposal A: NBSC Freshwater Senior Campus would move from a Year 11-12 Senior campus to a Year 7-12 Campus.

      Proposal B: NBSC Manly Campus would offer non-selective enrolment in Years 7-9 for students from a new local intake area, with the current arrangement that adds additional selective students in older grades to cease. Non-selective students would move to NBSC Freshwater Senior Campus for Years 10-12.

      Proposal C: Intake area adjustments for NBSC Cromer Campus, The Forest High School, and/or Mosman High School to expand their intake areas to all homes without a guaranteed co-educational option.

      Proposal D: NBSC Mackellar Girls Campus and NBSC Balgowlah Boys Campus would become co-educational Year 7-12 campuses. 

      Next Tuesday, school staff will be consulted. 

      Students are free to fill in the survey. 

      Trialing positive notifications on Sentral, for parents to see when their children are doing well in class. 

    2. Would like to see Mackellar Facebook page activity increase. 

    3. Year 12 ranks have been finalised. Moderation on marks was explained to students. Students are encouraged to share notes, help each other out.

    4. Info evening for Year 12 parents for next year will be held in Term 4. 

    5. SAS week – to thank school admin and support staff.  

    6. Acknowledged outgoing captains. Both have received Ministers award for excellence. Alysha Thomas was awarded the Tuckwell scholarship. 

    7. Mackellar Girls are state champions in soccer. 

    8. Year 7 – has done Resilience Training; understand their emotions; seek help. 

    9. Kyle has enjoyed being at the school. He is officially here for 10 weeks (Term 3), but is willing to stay for longer, if needed. 

  4. President’s update: Christina Franze

    1. P&C members payment - $2 per year, so you can vote. 

    2. Interview Panel update – to be considered to be part of interview panel, as a parent representative, need to complete online training. Speak to Christina. (email

    3. Individual students/Sporting Teams seeking funding support from P&C - discuss P&C Funding Request Guidelines Review. These will be put together and agreed on, hopefully by next P&C meeting. 

    4. Mackellar P&C is now registered with ReCollect to receive donations – thank you Jess Kirkham. ReCollect was used to recycle all the empty alcohol bottles from our successful Trivia Night. Confirmed - set up is complete. 

    5. P&C is confirming compliance with ACNC

    6. All positions become vacant end of year - Website volunteer, President, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice-President – actively recruiting for positions for 2025 (email if you are interested in finding out more about any of these positions)

  5. Treasurer update – Parvin Walia

    1. Financials for Q3

    2. Motion: P&C to put forward $50k to the school.

    3. Proposed by: Parvin Walia. (absent)

    4. This motion was not voted on at this P&C meeting. 

    5. Finalising accounts – end of FY 30th Sept

    6. MYOB upgrade project

  6. Canteen update – Loucine Vartikian

    1. General Update 

    2. It’s difficult to get volunteers. There are 4 employees in total. There are 3 students that help as part of Duke of Ed. 

    3. Need more volunteers during lunchtime. 

    4. No change in suppliers. Some addition to the menu. Menu is on flexi schools.

    5. We need more volunteers. (email

  7. Uniform Shop update - Alicia Lau

    1. General Update

    2. Alicia Lau started at the start of Term 3. 

    3. A lot of it is paper-based. Need to move to digital ordering system.

    4. Simplifying suppliers by Term 4.  

    5. Volunteering (email – need working with children form – this is checked at reception. Include this point in the next newsletter. 

  8. Motion: Meg Garrido to fill the vacant Vice President role

    1. Proposed by: Mina Hornby / Second by:  Doug Price 

    2. Motion was passed. 

  9. Co-educational Consultation Info – Meg Garrido

    1. Almost all online consultations have been held. They will now go to schools to speak to each of the teachers, and students. 

    2. All 5 NBSC P&Cs agree they don’t want changes, and Option C is the preferred option. Forest High want to remain independent. Forest High is a new build with 200 extra spots. 

    3. Manly and Freshie P&C have emailed parents with the official line. 

    4. Decisions will be made at a higher level. 

    5. We can ask the school to send something out on behalf of all the parents. 

    6. Yr12 has started their own petition. 

    7. Bally P&C have sent a survey to parents. 

    8. 28th sept – report goes to the Minister. They hadn’t costed any of the options. 

    9. 400 children that leave year 6 don’t have access to co-ed. But some of those will go to private schools – no data. 

    10. Peninsular Living article spoke to Manly P&C president – questioned the process. 

    11. Mackellar P&C will put something together about our stance. 

    12. Have there been any discussions around the statistics Single-sex vs Co-ed? Article in SMH  - this is not the discussion on single sex vs co-ed, it’s about opening up the option co-ed to be available to all. 

    13. In the correspondence that goes out from P&C, it’s important to identify individuals can have a say in different ways.

  10. Motion: To Change next P&C Meeting Date from Thursday 31st October to Wednesday 30th October

    1. Proposed by: Mina Hornby / Second by: Meg Garrido

    2. Motion was passed. 

    3. Communicate and update website. 

  11. AOB

    1. Money raised at Trivia night  -  what will be funded with this? In the past it has gone to faculties.  School happy to take suggestions from P&C. e.g. Toilet block in the gym area is not in good condition. Can this be considered?

    2. Environmental Club to offer students free bottle of flavoured milk – see attachment. P&C is supportive – requires more info. Meg to follow up. 

    3. Uniform supplies to school. Proposing new winter jumpers that are cheaper than the current ones. Orders are due to be placed. Consider quantities. Look at the review of uniform done by students. Ordering with current supplier to be put on hold. Consider students reviews. 

  12. Correspondence received: 

    • Andy and Mel Corner have approached the school about offering a free CPR course for Mackellar Girls – Christina has emailed Kyle the info for consideration.

    • Manly Spirits would like to do a fundraiser with Mackellar Girls High either later this year, or early next year – Meg to obtain more info from Manly Spirits. Keen to run a parent social evening, free drink, food truck, in Term 4, as a fundraiser? With a comedian? Welcome for Year 7’s?  

    Action: Form a working party

    • Kylie Govers would like the P&C or the Parent Body to send out further correspondence on co-educational consultations to all parents at Mackellar & Balgowlah Boys, similar to what the other schools are doing. e.g Freshwater Campus is asking parents to contact Deputy Premier, Prue Carr. 

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