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MEETING MINUTES 2nd September, 2020


  1. Welcome: Sally Gee

  2. Apologies and Attendance: Alex Bailey/Heather Cardin

    1. Kathryn Hodginson, Chrsitina Anderson (apolo), Michelle Livingstone, Trudy Varma, Kathy Flower, Chrsitine Del Gallo, Sally Gee, Matt Brennan, Alexanndra Bailey, Heather Cardin, Suzi Lemlin, Janelle Lufthus, Leigh McPherson

  3. Principals report: Christine Del Gallo

    1. Have put back the year 12 graduation and ceremony until term 4 with hopes that restrictions will ease.

    2. Mackellar been in the news 4 times in the last few weeks.

      1. Information about Vaping with CDG on behalf of NSW principals association.

      2. Information about the year 12s setbacks

      3. Stella Campbell Sydney 6s - interviewed in Channel 7 news - managing both the HSC and the Big Bash.

      4. Extensive article on the number of high achieving individuals gone through Mackellar in Manly Daily

  4. Uniform Shop: Leigh and Kate

    1. Booking system for new year 7s coming in to do uniform fittings

      1. Query to get an email to new upcoming new parents - 3 people in the shop at a time; possible October holiday dates while people are not onsite. 211 year 7s expected (atm) and have implemented the new booking system. 30 min appointments. Covid friendly

      2. Booking system might be helpful in the future.

      3. Pants still October estimated delivery.

      4. YTD same as last year, August same but up $7K.

  5. Financial Report: Matt Brennan

    1. Approximately $273K up from $200K last year.

      1. Presume jobkeeper has been helpful

        1. Great to be able to keep all the employees.

    2. Vote on the money for the list on request from Mackellar staff ~$120K w/ $153K left inthe bank

      1. Motion proposed by Matt, seconded by Doug. Motion passed.

    3. Vote on adding a Canteen / Uniform shop contribution in lieu of volunteer hours.

      1. Suzi calculated the amount of volunteer hours v/ pay = approximately $50K = $43 per pupil, to cover gap currently is $18K = $15 per pupil for shortfall. At 1200 students at 65% uptake = $23 if the volunteer hours stay the same. Proposed by Suzi, seconded by Alexanndra.

    4. Both canteen and uniform shop happy with the Tuesday pay arrangement.

  6. Environment Committee Update: Janell Lofthus

    1. Kiana Sieman (Sp?) (teacher), Clever Climate act the school is looking at to order, audit and improve the carbon footprint of the school. From memory $7K for 2 year period. We are applying for a grant. If the grant did not get through, the P&C could cover the difference. The Northern Beaches council is offering the same to residents. This is a great way to evaluate the program. Put in the data and track it over time. Looking to roll it across Cromer and Manly as well. Janelle would coordinate it with conjunction with the faculty and students as projects.

      1. 1st year if no grant - $1200 commitment.

      2. 1st year, assessment, strategy and plan. Need baseline and benchmark for future.

      3. Janelle proposes we agree to proceed with the program w/ or w/o the grant. Only commit to 12 months. Seconded by Doug.

  7. Canteen: Suzi Lemlin

    1. Flexischools Online update - has been introduced. It has been up and running for 4 weeks. There has been a 4-5% increase in overall sales. Teething 1st Friday. Love the simplicity. Steady build in the number and the value of the lunch orders. Reduced the amount of cash coming across the counter. Significantly less cash across which is lowering risk.

      1. It has the capacity to send messages through the Flexischool app with a push. It would only go to those parents signed up for the app and if they have approved receiving the push.

      2. Added value to donate to fundraisers at the school such as the one going on this week. Mulala’s lunch.

    2. Update the equipment - microwaves, warmer

      1. Last friday the oven broke. Annette helped to sort it out. There are other pieces of equipment that are needed

        1. A coupe of microwaves

        2. A new pie warmer

        3. Induction cooktop

        4. Total of $3000

    3. Determine parameters around volunteer lunch

      1. The volunteers are offered $7 a day order in by 9am on the day of volunteering in order to fit in with the processes and the amount is relative to a ‘meal’.

    4. 2 new members of staff covering full time staff - one is in the TAS department and another is her sister-in-law. They have been great.

    5. Canteen needs access to MYOB to see costs and to scan receipts straight into the system. This reduces costs on the bookeeping. This access has been sorted but they haven’t had the chance to use it yet. All in progress.

    6. Coles card - asked for an increase from $300 to $350. This has been approved.

    7. Question from Annette - when she needs to have stocktake figures to Matt (end of September).

    8. Nothing has been arranged on the whole of school basis. Currently independently managed.

  8. PAG Meeting update.

    1. Set up Microsoft Teams to communicate through the campuses. This has added to information sharing

    2. David Young - update on the Clever Climate

    3. Manly P&C is erecting a living wall - Gardening Grant through life education set via Kathryn- perhaps we could do something similar

    4. Well-being of students during COVID, acknowledge that many people are struggling, the changes, the load on teachers and carers, etc.

  9. AOB:

    1. Voting to replace Alex with Heather as Secretary - approved

    2. Mail - Sally

      1. Bank statements

      2. Bush fire information

      3. P&C magazine - lovely article on the the Harbord Public (Heather Lawson)

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