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  1. Welcome: Sally Gee

  2. Attendance & Apologies: Janelle Lofthus (apology)

  3. Principals report: Cassandra Morrison

    1. Staffing update –

      1. As of Monday, 7th June, Head teacher of Social Science is filled by Kerrie Lombardo

      2. Deputy Principal position application closed Wednesday, 2nd June

    2. Updates on bathrooms – 2-3 weeks they will be finished

      1. Matt Brennan called James Griffin and thanked him for the funds

      2. Doug Price would like the P&C to send James Griffin a thank you letter – P&C confirmed

    3. P&C Donations June 2021 wish list – moved to Treasurer update

    4. Parent/ teacher interviews – same process as is in the school letter (ring school, ask to speak to daughter’s teachers)

      1. The office staff will confirm a time frame eg before 8.30am or after after 3.30pm for the calls from teachers to parents for parent teacher interviews, within a 3 day turn-around time to schedule

    5. Year 10 interviews held in early term 3– F2F and zoom options

  4. President’s update: Sally Gee

    1. P&C will add funds to the SRC for the bathroom upgrades

    2. Regional P&C meeting – Monday 31st May

      1. Anyone can go to the regional meetings. NESA speaker Paul Martin spoke on curriculum and credentialing. First full, complete curriculum review in 30 years. 3000 submissions, mainly from teachers, for changes.

        1. Main recommendations – declutter syllabus, make it essential and sequential. Push towards a more untimed syllabus. Kids get through “building blocks” prior to moving to the next building blocks.

        2. Naplan is under review

        3. Cathy Brennan – talked about funding model; trying to take away admin burden schools have and want to develop solutions around it

        4. Tell them from me survey – not a survey that is suitable for high school. Mackellar has own tailored version. Involves student, parents and teachers. Feedback is shared via annual school report

        5. Children with physical and intellectual disabilities – there is a working party for parents to provide support. Sally to put an article in the next school newsletter.

    3. Website – new website is up and running. Big thank you to Emily Robertson!

    4. Comedy night is booked in – 16th October, Dee Why RSL. Parent help requested for the below raffle items. Please Liaise with your local businesses and email through ideas to

      1. Main sponsor for the event - $2,000 requested to support as main sponsor. Doug looking into 2 sponsors: 1 for $2,000 and 1 for $5,000. Sponsors to be confirmed before the end of financial year

      2. Raffle prizes

    5. Officer elections for 2022 – potential email to all parents to remind of opportunity

  5. Treasurer update: Matt Brennan

    1. Cash = $255,000 as at today

    2. $12,000 in donations earned from the volunteer levy

    3. Audit has been completed for the canteen. Changed suppliers and prices based on audit

      1. Very big job, went above and beyond to gather all the information, BIG THANK YOU Diana! Given this now we can monitor the cost as it moves from the identified costs from the audit

      2. Request to compare across other high schools within the Campus – Cristina has confirmed that our prices are slightly below other schools

      3. Given the above our goal – we aim to see the canteen break even/ making a profit by end of term 3

    4. Cost of food has gone up $15,000 YOY

    5. Purchases have increased by ~$15,000 ($7,000 more than YOY)

    6. Canteen is operating at a loss of ~$12,000

    7. Will be getting rebate on new fridge purchase

    8. School wish list for $98,180 – CONFIRMED donation (please see below)

    9. In 2020 P&C donated $120,000 to the school

      1. Matt – putting it to the meeting – MOTION by Matt Brennan, seconded by Doug Price, accepted by Cassandra 😊

  6. Canteen: Cristina Anderson

    1. Dishwasher to be assessed for servicing vs. replacement

    2. Annette is no longer canteen manager; Kylie has taken on the role as of now going forward

    3. Fridge was replaced 2 weeks ago

    4. Doug organised fridge, freezer and cooktop and has been installed (school paid for it)

    5. Cristina is updating contracts currently

    6. “Keep the canteen healthy” – parent raised that parents could be supportive of price increase as it related to healthy eating for the girls

  7. Uniform Shop: Leigh Mcpherson

    1. Shop budget is healthy again

    2. BIG THANK YOU to Kate, thank you Kate!

    3. Sales should be good for June given the cold is approaching

    4. Volunteers – require more please. 2020 it was approved that Leigh can ring in for paid help on busy days when no volunteers are available/come in

  8. Clever climate: Janelle Lofthus

    1. Potential meeting between teacher and clever climate. Funded by the school, enables the school to have access to YOY data that suggests to the school ways they can improve. The P&C can be asked/offer to fund. May attend the next P&C meeting for a status update

  9. AOB

    1. 616 bus – yes at risk. Parents – get on the 131 500 website and give the Transport feedback

    2. Cosco/Bunnings donations – often is free to the P&C

    3. Parent raised a culture of making the school bag compulsory – perhaps kick off the year that “there is an expectation” that your daughter will come to the school with the proper handbag

      1. Cassandra happy to reinforce, but requires parents support

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