Sally thanks Cristine and staff during COVID
thanks the canteen and uniform shop and for the organising the job keeper
Attendees: Sally Gee, Kate Mooney, Matt Brennan, Stacey Exner, Doug Price, Suzi Lemlin, Janelle Luftus, Christine Del Gallo, Cristina Anderson, Leigh Mcpherson apologies
Welcome stacey exener - NBSC Campus principal
NBSC - update
shared timetable for senior students across the campus - offer every HSC subject bar some of the languages
Mackellar offers many of those subjects
Duke of Ed. is one of the largest in the state and the interactiveness of NBSC students activities in the COVID time.
Principal update -
Explained the COVID pivot and the dedication to the students, and the advantage the year 12s have with the continued education. Versus year 7s which seem to be struggling from only having had 5 weeks in the year. 1st assembly today as a community.
Classrooms getting back to normal. Many of the other things such as music, sport, etc.
Year 7 camp booked later in the year, Year 9/10 PAAS class ski trip is on later in the year as well.
parents put in a lot of work as well.
wish lists for school -
audio for the performance space
new furniture for the library
etc. Chrsitine to send to Sally later.
Uniform shop Leigh - Apologies
Report - figures 2-10 May 2019 made 12,065 and 2020 46,101
Online orders are positive
noticed - rolling the sports pants up, incorrect socks, black tights not navy blue and old PE uniform.
Financial repport - Matt
Cash balances about the same
most of the canteen staff thanks to Suzi will be received Job Keeper until the end of october which has been great since no income March - april - may
264,000 cash balance
Shopify to be settled
Changes we want to make
Changes to the day of the week to pay the staff - benefits will include not making estimates, business day the next day to be paid, and the will save a bit work around on Friday afternoons, make it a fairer situation for all.
Annette would let staff know to make payment date adjustments
Environment Committee - Janelle
Collaborating with David Young from Manly Selective came across Climate Clever Program.
The more colleges that get involved the better but some is better than none
It is generally a student led program, need a faculty to take the lead to lead the students. STEM teachers likely.
App is easy and fun, a lot of support materials to keep it moving.
Hoping to get a grant to fund the program in its infancy and then there is savings on the back end. Would like to spread the costs over three years but either approach allows for comparison of the cost/benefit ratios.
Grant is due 30th of June an wouldn’thear back until October.
Discussion needed in the meantime. But the grant submission is priority by June 30th.
Perhaps the Environment club would be interested - Janelle to get in touch with them.
50% reduction is available until the end of the calendar year.
Canteen update - Suzi
re-opened 11th May - when year 11& 12 came back
screens installed and a lot of changes
Now back at full capacity - as volunteers were not allowed onsite. Duke of Ed has been helpful.
Staff costs - should not have much of an increase due to Job Keeper
request from canteen manager -
access to view the bank account, as she gets inquiries whether if things have been paid or not, she feels it would be more efficient than asking the bookeepers and waiting on
the cash card - this is a continuous issue and will be organised through Suzi and Matt offline.
Proposal of an online ordering system.
2 providers notices - canteen preference.They supply over 1800 schools. They are already in place at other campuses. Their reputation is established and familiarity. Other campuses have between 30-55% are by online order. Cash is limiting the flow and it may become compulsory with WHS issues.
Why now?
mini poll 86 of 88 parents said they would use it. School community support.
COVID- cashlessness
2019 audit expressing concern of the risk of the cash on the property.
$490 set up fees - including training and implementing software including label printer.
would need a computer and printer.
Should be able to get it in under the $1000
ongoing costs of 2.9% online sales
if you move to the cashcard option then they don’t charge
implementation of about 4-5 weeks.
potentially by the beginning of term 3.
Suzi put forward the motion to implement the Flexischool online ordering option - all in favour unianimous
Bathroom grant - need to have quotes to get the grants. B block toilets in particular. Need to put up a cost case.
with Covid the soap issue has contributed to the improvement of the bathroom conditions.
suggestiong by Sally of additional money to permanent soap dispensers.
Motion rpesented by Doug to use the money as indicates - seconded by Sally
PAG meeting
some discussion on mobile phone use that continues and getting parent perspective
the environment issues is priority - questions on changing to a green energy provider
Movie night is not a possibility at the moment with COVID.
Paid for bluehost for website did go down for a few days then Sally sorted and we paid for another year on a quick but necessary decision as it impacte dth uniform shop orders.