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MEETING MINUTES 10th March 2021


  1. Principal’s report: Christine Del Gallo

    1. Enrolments – drop in year 7 students this year (by 80) due to new catchment area/enrolment policy – shift in student background languages this year, partly due to lock down of international travel

    2. Article – ranked 1st in the state for HS certificate results (less selective schools)

      1. Motion from Doug Price for Sally to take to the PAG meeting: thank the principal and teachers for all they have done to achieve these results particularly during a pandemic period.

    3. Due to COVID: parent/teacher interviews are postponed until term 2 and year 7&10 parent/teacher night has been delayed

      1. Any parent can ring the school to speak with their child’s teacher(s)

      2. Request approved to review the option to move forward with the parent teacher night in a socially distant way

    4. PDH focus on consent, respectful relationships and “partying” - related to consent and the issues in the media the last few weeks. Year 7-10 growing body of work focused on this area, both cyber and in person – this includes all aspects of relationships, the importance of consent at any time, health and support for selves and others and impact of drugs and alcohol to consent

    5. Very nice this year to resume many of the school’s regular activities

    6. D block toilets to be redone and funded by the Dept of Education in term 2

    7. Member raised – do we make the Mackellar backpack mandatory? Conversation to continue in upcoming meetings.

    8. Bilgola bus line (199) has changed and is impacting pick ups – Christine to raise with the bus companies

  2. Uniform Shop: Kate Mooney

    1. Computers & iPads having issues, should now be fixed, computer updated with whizbang stuff, working much better

  3. Canteen: Cristina Anderson (new liaison)

    1. Canteen is busy, queues are long. They are requesting items, Cristina to send email to Christine with the specifics. Cooler school program will provide a substation that will run more power and potentially solve any possible of these canteen problems around electricity

    2. Salary review has been approved – raise wages by 0.3%

    3. Flexischools – further work to consider flexicard at the canteen windows (identified as an issue by the auditors)

      1. MS Excel on new computer – Cristina to speak with Ryan re: load of excel (he is on site Tuesday & Thursday)

      2. Cristina to speak with canteen to confirm it is a “reduce cash” not “cashless” plan

  4. Finance – Matt Brennan

    1. Canteen put together a list of equipment they need – will inform financial commitment (Q2 meeting discussion point)

    2. Canteen is not currently making a profit as yet this year, breaking even – look into this. Cristina to review menu with the canteen to ensure costing of meals is appropriate based on cost; also greater salaries contributing

    3. Uniform shop traded quite strongly – bank account has increased from $70k to $90k YOY

  5. Climate clever (baseline assessment of carbon footprint to inform a strategy): Janelle Lofthus

    1. Can proceed at any time/ confirming with the environmental leader – confirmed year 10 students ready to lead the project

    2. Confirmed comfort with spend of $1500 for the climate clever program

    3. Janelle to liaise the relationship between the app and the school – ready to proceed

  6. Seeking volunteers to help design/build new P&C website in Weebly: Heather Cardin

    1. We have 2 volunteers who have offered to help

  7. Events update: Sally Gee

    1. School Comedy night confirmed for beginning of term 4

      1. Member Simone Bilgic can refer husband Tahir Bilgic (comedian, actor) to manages the event

      2. P&C to set date and support the promotion of the event

      3. Simone and Catherine for form a planning committee

      4. Doug to help with the raffles

    2. School concerts/events –waiting on further guidance from NSW Health/Dept. of Education re: parents on site

  8. AOB:

    1. Doug Price: MOVIE NIGHT (possibly May) and TRIVIA NIGHT (September/October) – not this year, will rethink for 2022

    2. Sally Gee: A few members of the P&C will be departing at the end of 2021, so there is a need for new Executive team members. Is anyone interested?

      1. Matt and Sally will no longer be eligible to hold an executive positions so please consider and let Sally and Matt know

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