P&C MEETING 3rd August 2022 6:30PM Mackellar Girls Campus
I. Welcome: Christina Franze
II. Attendance & Apologies:
A. Apologies: Heather Cardin, Parvin Walia, Kylie Anthony, Sabine Tacheva, Leigh
III. Principal’s report: Christine Del Gallo
A. Year 12 trials
B. Year 10 Be Street Smart program
C. Year 10 parent 20 minute interview re: subject choice for senior years
D. Year 8 elective choice for Years 9 / 10
E. Staff and P&C RIOT workshops
IV. President’s update: Christina Franze
A. PAG meeting Monday 15th Aug
V. Treasurer update – Parvin Walia
A. Debit cards not allowed by Westpac
B. Bendigo bank update
Intended for LSL and sick leave payments - may need a fund boost
C. Bookkeeper/auditor review
Confirmation from P&C Fed that Audit review (rather than full audit) is sufficient for ACNC
2 quotes received from prospective positions
D. Shopify
Change of ownership underway
E. Financial Reports
Compliance issues being worked through
F. Escalating cost of goods, experiencing material cost increases in operation
G. Hickson Lawyers (Federation appointed lawyers) to produce employment contracts
H. NSW Govt initiative
Fridges. Have applied and awaiting supplier chain issues
VI. Canteen update – Erica Griffiths
A. New mixer is successful
B. Volunteers
This year there was no Yr 7 Welcome to Parents
Consider 2 hour volunteers timeslots (which work well in Uniform Shop)
Leaflet handout (at music soiree, assorted school events)
VII. Uniform Shop update - Erica Griffiths
Coffee machine and humidifier purchased
Bank Balance as at 03/08/22 A/C is $89,365.59
Online orders still strong.
Selling lots of track pants but have noticed some girls are wearing these instead of new pant. Also sport dept. need to check on some girls wearing very short shorts! The longer short was introduced 3 years ago now so all students should be in this one.
Still getting lots of volunteers
Fundraising strategy
Comedy for a Cause night (Performance Space)
a) Consider T1 2023, Friday night
b) FB post required to recruit a fundraising team
c) Rotary involvement
Upcoming P&C dates:
a) Term 4: November 2
b) AGM: December 7